For Emergencies: +2347083385488
About PerfectSight

Comprehensive Eye Examination of our Clients and Prospective Clients

1) Registration and Consultation.
2) Elaborate History taking requiring information on Medical History, Family Ocular History, Family Medical History and Known Hypersensitivity.
3) Blood Pressure Checks.
4) Vision Tests and Eye Muscle Checks.
5) Inner Eye Health Checks for disease conditions or abnormalities as well as to ascertain whether a Patient is hypertensive or diabetic without prior knowledge.
6) Eye Pressure Tests.
7) Visual Field Tests where and when necessary.
Conclusion from Findings.
8) Carrying out the appropriate Treatment Plan or referring to the appropriate Healthcare Professional for further Management.

Working Hours
  • Monday – Friday
    8:30 am – 06:00 pm
  • Saturday
    10:00 am – 03:00 pm
  • Sunday
Emergency Cases
For Emergency cases kindly reach us for a cutting edge Eye Care

Our Consulting Room

The clinic has provision for a consulting room, an office, a store/dispensing workshop, a moderately sized reception and two rest rooms. We have state of the art equipment necessary for diagnosis, management and treatment of ocular diseases and conditions. Our vital equipment includes:

1) The Auto-refractor.
2) The Perkins Applanation Tonometer.
3) Keller pulsair Tonometer.
4) Ophthalmoscope.
5) Retinoscope.
6) Automated Lensmeter.
7) Automated Ophthalmic chair and Stand.

Need a personal Eye care plan?

You can reach us on +2347083385488 or contact us for a personal eye care plan